AWS Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

AWS (Amazon Web Services) !  Now days cloud computing is very very important for every company to deploy their projects and make secure & easily accessible. Basically cloud (AWS or Azure both) have contains more than 200 services, so it not possible to discuss about every services for AWS Cloud Interview

So here, we are only disscuss about those services, which is used in IT or Software industry Like as : EC2 Instances, RDS , S3 bucket, Lambda Function, Auto Scaling, DynamoDB, Cloud Watch, Load balancing extra..

1). What is Cloud ? or What is cloud computing ?

Cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, and the software and databases that run on those servers.Cloud servers are located in data centers all over the world.

2). What are service models of cloud ?

 There are mainly 3 Service Models of Cloud:


. Iaas: Infrasturce as a services: only Management and configuration will do by organization (data or security or operating system and application also run by and also network)

Exam –  EC2 Machines 


. Paas: Plateform as a services: I need only just make application and data can put their and choose my language or import code which already created inot perticular language


. Saas: Softawre as a services: Just use that application, like as – Gmail – we just login and mail send or receive or facebook

3). How to deploy these 3 models of cloud ?

We can deploy these service by 4 types:

. Public: It will available Data at public level and share with multiple people – it also secure contains secure but is cheap cloud 


. Private: It is more secure and costly.


. Hybrid cloud: Some data or critical and some are not critical. So we can use both public and private 


. Community: When more than companies use same cloud resources to share the services.

4). What is AWS Cloud?  or Amazon Web Services ?

AWS stands for Amazon web services. It is cloud service which is provides different software or IT services with the help of internet that are offered by Amazon. It has more than 200 comprehensive data center services all over the world. It offers a wide variety of services like data warehousing and content delivery. 


Some are services for software or IT Field.


EC2 Instances

S3 storage


AWS Lambda 

Could watch 


Load balancing for Microservice architecture related projects 

Auto scaling



5). What is Amazon EC2 ?  or Amazon EC2 .

EC2 is stands for Elastic Compute Cloud.EC2 provides cloud hosted virtual machines, called “instances”, to run applications. It is a service that enables business subscribers to run application programs in the computing environment. It can serve as a practically unlimited set of virtual machines (VMs).

Amazon provides various types of instances with different configurations of CPU, memory, storage and networking resources to suit user needs. Each type is available in various sizes to address specific workload requirements.

Instances are created from Amazon Machine Images (AMI). The machine images are like templates. They are configured with an operating system (OS) and other software, which determine the user’s operating environment. Users can select an AMI provided by AWS, the user community or through the AWS Marketplace.Users also can create their own AMIs and share them.

6). What is AWS Lambda ?  or AWS Lambda .

AWS Lambda –  it is server-less architecture. You don’t need any server to run or deploy the application. Or Run code without any servers.

Working of Lambda: deployment, scaling, capacity, manage the server and security and update but we just worry about code, nothing else.

Lambda says, if it is not an ideal machine then it will not charge you.You just deploy your application by using Lambda function and don’t need to manage that application and it provides all things like – Monitoring, logs, security extra.

Note: it is charge or cost you on the basis of application running. I mean, if your application is running fast then it will charge you less money.If your code is complex or heavy then it will charge you more money.

7). What Is A Lambda Function in AWS?

Lambda function is the code you run in AWS Lambda.

working of Lambda Function:While you don’t need to, be sure to write the code in a stateless style. That means writing code in a way that assumes there is no affinity to the underlying AWS Lambda infrastructure.

By using these five interfaces you can create, call, and manage Lambda functions:

AWS Management Console

AWS CloudFormation

AWS Serverless Application Models (SAM)


AWS Command Line Interface

AWS Lambda functions into independent containers when you use the Serverless Application Model (SAM) for your code.

The Lambda function is usually a container because it comprises configuration information that relates to that function. That information includes the function name and description, resource requirements, and entry point.

8). Why must you use stateless code for AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda only allows you to generate as many function copies as the rate at which events are coming in. That improves scalability and performance while keeping costs reasonably low.Lambda will let you access stateful data when you call other internet-available services such as Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3.

9) What is Amazon S3? or What is S3 bucket ?

S3:  S3 stands for Simple storage Service. it keep the back up of your data and highly incrrupted. 

. S3 standard for frequent Access: Daily basis access that data.

. S3 standard for infrequently Access: Access in intervals, like as :access in  Months.

. S3 amazon glacier: keep a complete backup or I don’t know when I use this data.

1) Bucket     2) Object 

Bucket is just a folder or directory. Bucket name should be unique and small letter also. Objects are our files within the bucket.

10). What is AWS RDS?

AWS RDS is short for Amazon Relational Database Service and It provides affordable relational databases in the cloud, that is easy to use.

It allows you to create database in the cloud that are managed by AWS:

– Postgress


– Oracle

– MariaDB


– Aurora (AWS proprietary database)


it’s features are :

Amazon RDS is a Relational Database Cloud Service

Amazon RDS minimizes relational database management by automation

Amazon RDS creates multiple instances for high availability and failovers

11). What is Load balancer in AWS ? or What is Elastic load balancer ?

Load Balancer: it is distributing your application load into multiple servers. Load balancer means load of application divided into     more servers.

 Elastic, means behave like elastic, it distributes your load but not breakdown.


Features of Elastic load balancer: 


                  1) Automatically scale up or down for incoming traffic

                  2) Increase performance

                  3) Fault tolerance (if EC2 instance failed then load balancer work) and 

                  4) Health check 


Types of Elastic:

1) Classic Load balancer: its distribute the traffic into the EC2 Instance and 

it 2 types –    1) by internet and   2) private   network 


   2) Network Load balancer (it work transport level)

                               3) Application load balancer (it distribute the traffic of application and it work at application level) 

12). What is AWS Cloud Watch ?

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms. CloudWatch provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for monitoring your AWS resources, applications, and services in real time, helping you gain insight into the performance and operational health of your AWS infrastructure.  

Cloudwatch important features are:

Metrics: CloudWatch collects and stores various types of data, known as metrics, which represent the performance and utilization of AWS resources. 

These metrics can be collected from various AWS services, your custom applications, and other sources.

Alarms: You can set up alarms to automatically trigger actions when a metric crosses a specified threshold. 

These actions can include sending notifications, stopping or terminating instances, or running AWS Lambda functions.

Dashboards: CloudWatch allows you to create custom dashboards to visualize and monitor the metrics and alarms 

for your resources in one place. You can use the CloudWatch console to create and customize dashboards. 


Logs: AWS CloudWatch Logs enables you to monitor, store, and access log files from your applications and 

services. It’s often used for troubleshooting and auditing.

Events: CloudWatch Events allows you to respond to changes in your AWS environment. You can create rules to 

automatically trigger actions in response to events like instance state changes, S3 object creation, or 

other events from supported AWS services.

Insights: CloudWatch Insights is a feature that helps you interactively search and analyze your log data,

 making it easier to identify patterns, troubleshoot issues, and perform ad-hoc queries on log data.

CloudWatch Agent: The CloudWatch Agent is a software package that collects more system-level metrics from EC2 

instances and on-premises servers, allowing you to monitor additional performance data.

Custom Metrics: You can also create custom metrics by pushing data to CloudWatch using APIs or the AWS Command

Line Interface (CLI). This is useful for monitoring custom applications and services. 

13). What is AWS Auto Scaling?

Auto Scaling is a service that automatically adjusts capacity of AWS services for application performance.

It is monitors application performance and scales AWS services resource capacity automatically.

Auto Scaling is used with applications that rely on multiple AWS services that can scale. Scaling policies can be unified for multiple AWS services together. Both Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Application Auto Scaling services can be combined and included in AWS Auto Scaling.

Note: for more information on AWS please check the official website of AWS :   AWS official Website 


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