Wrapper Classes – Java Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Java Wrapper classes is used to convert primitive data types into objects and it is provide a way to use primitive data types ( int , boolean , etc..) as objects.In Object Oriented Programming Language everything  is  an object .So in collection topic it requires  Wrapper classes   convert    primitives to objects and   primitives  to  object So  for  conversion Wrapper classes are   used in java

In this post, we will discuss some of the most asked interview questions on wrapper classes. Like as: what are wrapper classes in java or What are wrapper classes in Java interview questions or What is the size of wrapper class in Java?

Java Wrapper classes

1). What are the Wrapper classes ?            (Most Imp Question)

Those classes whose object, contains or wraps primitive data types.


Wrapper Class is any class which wraps or contains the functionality of another class or component. A Wrapper Class that wraps or encapsulates the primitive data type is called Primitive Wrapper Class.

2). What    are   the  Uses  of  Wrapper  classes?

The   Uses   of Wrapper  classess   are:  

. Wrapper   classes   helps  in  serialization. We  can  convert  primitives  to  Objects using wrapper class.

. Mainly in Collection Framework we  are working  with objects. Like  Array List, Linked List,etc are working with wrapper class only.What    are   the  Uses  of  Wrapper  classes?


3). What is Autoboxing ?                              (Most Imp Question)

When we convert primitive data into objects that is Autoboxing.


      //Autoboxing example of int to Integer

public class Autoboxing {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int a = 20;

// converting int into Integer

Integer i = Integer.valueOf(a);

Integer j = a;

System.out.println(“From int to Integer or Object value is : “ + j);


4). What is unboxing?                                                              (Most Imp Question)

Converting an object into its corresponding primitive datatype is called unboxing.


public class Unboxing {

//Autoboxing example of int to Integer

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Converting int into Integer

Integer a= new Integer(30);

int i=a.intValue();

int j=a;

System.out.println(“Form Object to Primitive : “+j);


5). What are the Wrapper classes available for primitive types ?

Ans. boolean  – java.lang.Boolean

byte – java.lang.Byte

char – java.lang.Character

double – java.lang.Double

float – java.lang.Float

int – java.lang.Integer

long – java.lang.Long

short – java.lang.Short

void – java.lang.Void

6). Difference between boolean and Boolean ?

boolean is a primitive type whereas Boolean is a class.

7). What Design pattern Wrapper Classes implement ?


8).  Do All The Wrapper Classes Support Caching?


Yes, all the wrapper classes support caching to increase performance of Autoboxing and Auto-unboxing. But unlike Integer, they have fixed caching size upto 127 only. You can not enhance the range.

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